Friday, June 22, 2012

Look! Paige Shelton Reviewed Confessions of an Average Half Vampire On Her Blog!

This was a surprise!
I came home -- hot, tired, and raspy-throughted, due to all the wildfire smoke in the air -- from buying YET ANOTHER prescription medication (the incision from the surgery is not really healing right; the doctor thinks my glands are still producing saliva and that's what's causing this weird and sore pouch of skin below my right ear), and I logged in to look at my blog -- and there was my own book cover, popping up in the "blogs you follow" list!
Hey!  That's fun!
So, drop over to Radicle Root and have a look at what Paige has done for me.  (Then have a look at her mystery novels and see if  you want to read a few of those.  I really like them.  No kidding.  I've read everything she's got published.)


  1. That is fun news about the reviews! Having read your work, I know they are very well deserved. I have read Paige Shelton's work and enjoyed it too. I am worried about your health, though. Take good care of yourself.

  2. Excited for you - mixed with concern about your saliva. Hope you heal quickly.

  3. Congrats on another review! The books on her site look fun. I'm not much of a murder mystery fan, but the ordinariness of the book settings make them look appealing to me.
