So, I was buying a birthday gift for my aunt in Bath and Body Works last Saturday (Note: this store is a vortex of temptation for me. Only a bookstore is worse.), and the clerk who rang me up was telling me about her family's Halloween costumes.
Her: But then my three-year-old daughter wants to be a tiger! A tiger!
Me: *nods* *wonders why this is a problem*
Her: How am I supposed to find a tiger costume?!!
Me: *with literally a one-second time lag* Face paint. Orange sweatshirt. Black electrical tape in stripes. *motions across body in diagonals toward chest*
Her: *gasps* That's --- That's awesome! How did you think of that so fast?!
Me: Schoolteacher. *smirks*
Her: *grabs notepaper to write this down*
Me: *waves, walking away*
Thus I preserved the mystique. :)
You teachers are awesome (wonder if that will get me points with my wife)