Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Photo Mysteries: A Writers' Game #16

The great and wise -- or at least entertaining -- Carmi at Written Inc posts a photo theme every week.  Here on this blog we take it one step further and turn it into a writers' game.
Carmi's theme this week is "lights on."  So, I will post a photo that fits that theme, then add a title and the single line of a story that fits the photo and the theme.  After that, you get to have a go at it in the comments section.  Here's a link to last week's game so you can see what I mean.
Ready to try it?  Here we go:

Title: In The Lighthouse
Single line:  "But now, Dr. Wizzenspart, if you will just step back while I flip the switch, I think you'll find the modifications I've made to be quite interesting."

Okay, go for it!  Add your own titles and single lines to match the photo.  I can't wait to read what you come up with.


  1. Oh my goodness, what do you mean, not so pretty? I really like this. It's got to be in a lighthouse I'd enjoy seeing. It's lunch time and I'm cheating being here, so I will think on this cool photo and be back tonight!

  2. Here's mine


    "Never again will we hear your engine roar, siren wail or lights whirl from the command tower" reports NASA, admitting you blasted into the unknown never to return.

  3. House and Home

    "When I said I wanted more light to read by, I didn't mean this much!"

    1. But the color matches the walls, don't you think!

  4. cool shot! - the original of my shots you can see two post before :)

  5. Rockets

    Come on own up, who lit the blue fuse?

    1. I think it was a little green man lurking about ever since he was lost at sea.

  6. title: RI-SPON-SUH-BUHL !

    They all feared it was the draw from this very light that forced Annibelle to pack all her bags and move to the lighthouse.

  7. I love this picture - and your take on it, Lisa! After much mind-churning, here's mine:

    My old tanning bed was nice, but...
