This is the first of several giveaways for this book. However, what I really want are BOOK REVIEWS. So, for most of the upcoming giveaways, people who've reviewed the book will be more likely to get the big prizes. This is your chance to win the book so you can read it and review it -- and win MORE STUFF! (What kind of stuff? A book bag filled with books and swag, for starters.)
There it is! This is the cover of the book!
Here's the blurb:
Nerissa MacKay isn’t just anybody. So she’s fairly positive that a major role in the school play will prove that point -- and maybe attract the hormones of some of the boys who have ignored her for far too long.
But Nerissa’s dressing with a different theme every day for one solid year hasn’t yet convinced the drama teacher of her creativity, and Nerissa gets desperate during the last week of tryouts. Then, when the local mean girls' clique starts bragging about being visited by a ghost, Nerissa has had all she can take of their upstaging her.
Determined to pull the town's attention toward her and to Aunt Jane's Haunted Zoo, Nerissa plans to find this "ghost" --- right after she does her biology homework.
But the research for biology class leads her to her great-great-great grandmother's commonplace book, which contains several uncommon recipes using local plants. In the name of research, Nerissa gives one of the concoctions a try.
Ghosts, witchcraft, cliques, boys, her mother, homework, and saving the Haunted Zoo -- Nerissa's in way over her head. Even when no one can see her...
Want to win an e-copy?
You must be 13 or older. You must have an Amazon account. You must be willing to share your e-mail address with me (and I promise not to share it with anyone else).
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