Friday, December 16, 2011

Photo Mysteries: A Writers' Game #5

All this week I've been posting  photos for readers to use for the shortest flash fiction.  Just think up a title and one line of a story to go with the photo.
You can look back at the other photos this week here for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

And here's today's photo:

My title: Rising Heat
My single line of the story: The key!  Shelley reached for it as the machine digits raced toward 360 degrees.

Your turn!  Post your title and your single line in the comments section.  :)


  1. Title: Whoops!
    After all these centuries, Sam couldn't believe it when the missle launched.

  2. that's a great one Martin.
    Sorry to let you down Lisa, but my brain's just a blank on this one.

  3. I tried, but none of my ideas are coherent. They all had to do with food, for some reason.
