Monday, February 20, 2012

Let Me Introduce You To One Of My Favorite Authors: Steve Hockensmith

I often focus on young adult books on this blog because that is what I write, but it's not the only type of literature that I read.  So, let me introduce you to a very clever mystery writer, Steve Hockensmith.

I love a good mystery.  And I love Sherlock Holmes.  I'd never been a particularly big fan of westerns, but, honestly, who can resist a punny title like Holmes on the Range?   I read it, and I was hooked.
The premise is that there are two redheaded cowboy brothers, nicknamed Old Red and Big Red, who are introduced to the Holmes' story "The Red Headed League," and Old Red decides he wants to be like Holmes.  The only problem is that he's illiterate, so Big Red has to read him everything while he learns.
Hockensmith has a whole series of these books out now, and each one seems more clever than the last.  I am a true addict and will continue to gobble them up as fast as this man can write them.
If you enjoy either westerns or mysteries, you ought to give these a try.  But be warned: they are NOT YA and are not suitable for more sensitive youngsters.
Drop by Steve's website and have a look for yourself.

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