Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Smelling Like A School

Conversation from yesterday between me and a former student who is now the parent of a current student:

Me: So, you do realize who used to have this relo when you were here, right?
Him (chuckling): Be gone to the depths of relocatable one from whence thou came!
Me (pointing): Of course, now all the vocabulary words I used to give you guys are all up on the bulletin board, since I don't have any chalkboards.
Him (looking about in sudden and unfeigned surprise): No chalkboards?!
Me: None in the school.  They've all been replaced with white boards.  Years ago.
Him:  How's it supposed to smell like a school, then?


  1. Funny, but I do remember a few other smells related to school. A few I'd like not to recall, and one very special one, that I was just speaking about this weekend. The smell of pizza burgers from my school days. Oh my, even now, the very thought of it is making my tummy speak!

  2. Ahhh, the smell of chalkboards. Brings me way back. I always preferred the smell (and mess) of chalk over the smell and mess of whiteboards. Fortunately, I got to skip over whiteboards relatively quickly, switching to technology (smartboard, interwrite tablet and now my iPad) after only about a year of using the whiteboard.
    Love the comment - made me laugh.
