Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Photo Mysteries: A Writers' Game #19

This week, Carmi's theme, as posted on his fabulous blog, Written Inc, is "Single People."
Each week, we play a game here with Carmi's theme.  I choose a photo that matches his theme, and we use it for the shortest of flash fiction in a writers' game.  I post a title and a single line to match the photo, and then you do the same in the comments.
Here's an example from a previous week if you'd like to see how it's done.

So here we go with "Single People."
The photo:

Title: The Gears of Promontory Point.
Single Line: "What ever you do," Spike said, glaring at me over his bow tie, "don't touch the freeonium silicate chamber once the circuits have been joined."

Your turn.
Create a title and a single line to go with this gentleman, then share it with us in the comments.


  1. Two Singles Make a Pair?

    I'm a fair-haired, exceedingly handsome book-sense and polite kind of man capable of charming suspicious dogs, and often play follow the leader with caterpillars, but every time I think I've found Mrs. Right she runs away.

  2. Title: Eve
    Opening line: Even after 80 years, Bill kept pulling the wife creator handle on the offchance it would work.

  3. By the way, this is one charming old chap, (even frowning he seems like a charmer to me) and a great old stone wall!

  4. The Magician

    And when I count to three.....!

  5. Oy, the look on his face is classic! Here's my take:

    We'll begin our tour as soon as you drop your 75 cents into the change bin.

    Sorry, lame, I know :)

    New theme's up....this week: faith.

  6. Great,how could you find that,thank you for your sharing,ill recommended it to my freinds

